var Translate={ title:"Digital Video Recorder", usr:"Username:", pswd:"Password:", logi:"please login in!", login:"Login", dev:"device", ch:"CAM ", MFt:"MainStream", SFt:"SubStream", Zoom:"zoom", Iris:"Iris", Focu:"focus", Split1:"View 1", Split4:"View 4", Split9:"View 9", Split16:"View 16", Split25:"View 25", Split36:"View 36", PlayAll:"connect all video", StopPlayAll:"close all video", mainPlayAll:"playAll(mainStream)", subPlayAll:"playAll(subStream)", ok:"ok", Cancel:"Cancel", logout:"Logout", autoPrompt:"Auto Prompt", version:"Version" } var Versions= { vidioIn:"Video In: ", audioIn:"Audio In: ", alarmIn:"Alarm In: ", alarmOut:"Alarm Output: ", buildTime:"Build Date:", version:"System: ", serialNo:"Serial ID: " , ok:"ok" } var Password= { findpsw:"Retrieve Password", verifytype:"verifytype", op0:"select", op1:"verify the security question", op2:"verify the email ", question1:"Question1: ", answer:"Answer: ", question2:"Question2: ", email:"email:", yzmbtn:"Get validation code", emailcode:"Verification Code:", enteryzm:"Please enter the verification code", newpassword:"NewPassword: ", confirmpassword:"Confirm: ", enteranswer:"Please enter the answer", enterpassword:"Please enter a password(Password only Numbers and letters)", confirmpsw:"Please confirm the password(Password only Numbers and letters)", ok:"Submit", back:"Back" , NewPswLogin:"Click the Back button to USE the New password", RetryRevision:"Click the Back button, try again", notsupportemail:"E - mail support to recover non - secure password", notsetemail:"Please before setting the mail password", notsupportques:"Support for recovering password WITHOUT security problem", notsetques:"Please first, for safety reasons" }